Let me introduce you to the term: Correction.

Let me introduce you to the term: Correction. 

Click here to view a great description of a Correction.

We haven't heard about a possible correction in financial markets for a fair while, OR has the discussion been drowned out with the double digit returns from share based investments?

If you were concerned about your asset prices dropping by 10 - 20% then you might want to consider a 2nd opinion or some portfolio management advice.

We are advocates of Strategic Asset Allocation which means retaining certain levels of shares, property, cash and fixed interest investments in line with your nominated goals and your risk tolerance. Some clients need to reign risk in, whilst others we need to explain what the pay-off would be if they didn't take enough risk.

At the moment, while shares and property are booming along, we are trimming these gains in line with our strategic targets and filling up the cash buckets to ensure sufficient cash to meet retirement income streams and regular buys.

Our investment philosophy is tried and tested and whilst it is not perfect, we think it is the best way to retire as long as you are in a tax-effective environment. 

Make sure you click on the image to see how we manage retirement funds for clients.


Downsizing for a better Retirement.


Happy Clients create Great Advocates.