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Let's get pumped about super.
A range of new measures are being introduced as of 1 July 2022. These changes are based around allowing you to get more money into super and leave more money in super to assist you in your retirement.
Time to Write some cheques.
The start of June brings cooler temps and the smell of backyard fires and an extra 2 minutes under the Doona as you psyche up to face the day. June 30 is an important date in the financial year as it is the last day in which to complete your tax planning tasks.
End of Financial Year Super Checklist
The end of the financial year is a good time to think about how you could grow your super and get started with saving for retirement. Here are some options you could consider to help your super work harder for you.
Why super is still simple
It may be hard to believe, particularly with all the discussions since the 2016 Budget announcements regarding changes to the system, but at its core, super still remains a relatively simple concept.
Super or the mortgage
Many people wait until their home loan is paid off before investing more in super. However, if you are currently making more than the minimum home loan repayments, you may be better off when you retire if you make additional super contributions instead.
Closing the super savings gap
While as a nation we collectively face a large retirement savings gap, there are a number of smart things you could consider doing to help make sure your future financial security isn’t at risk.
How to avoid an SMSF tax penalty
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has recently changed the way it assesses income earned by assets paid for by a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) borrowings. In some cases, income earned by assets in this category will be treated as non-arm’s length and won’t qualify for the tax concessions available within super.
One good reason to start contributing to super early (and why retirement plans get off track)
I received a call this week from a client’s son. He is 19 and has just moved to Port Hedland in pursuit of the Great Western Dream as I call it. Adventure, work and a high paying salary, and as I keep saying to these hard workers, there is a reason why they pay you that much!
What’s the best way to manage retirement funds?
The superannuation environment is a very competitive industry. Understanding the best vehicle to manage your retirement capital can be complex and confusing.
Please take some time to view our brief video that outlines two of our preferred Superannuation vehicles.
50% return guaranteed (read the fine print)
The Government co-contribution is an initiative that gives eligible low income earners the ability to boost their superannuation savings by matching personal non concessional contributions up to $1,000.
End of year financial year planning starts now
1 July 2014 marks the start of a new financial year. But it’s important not to leave wealth accumulation and wealth protection until the last minute. There are many things you can do in the lead up to the end of this financial year to prepare for the new one.
SMSF owners, hold on to your caps
If you have a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF), you should be keeping a close eye on your contributions throughout the financial year – not just at year-end.
There’s always a lot of talk about super contributions towards the end of the financial year. But 30 June doesn’t have exclusive rights on super strategies.