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Quarterly Market Update - September 2021
[2 minute read] Click the link below to access your Quarterly Economic and Market Update. This report is produced by Vanguard Australia who manage much of our client retirement portfolio assets.
Pulling the Family Office Together.
A traditional single family office is a business run by and for a single family. The assets are the family's own wealth, often accumulated over many family generations.
You Don't Need a Long Neck - To Fund Retirement.
There are many lifestyle and financial changes that occur at retirement. Whilst you will have increased leisure time, you will no longer be earning an income from work activities.
Another way to think about Retirement.
Check out this video where Steve Harvey explains how he is not going to leave everything to his kids when he passes away but, rather, consume much of the assets that he and his wife have built.
The singing budgie comes good again.
This is a great ad from Tourism Australia created to entice the Poms back to the country they sent their convicts to.
Building a legacy that lasts forever. Or at least 80 years
Many financial planning firms today are focussed on asset gathering their clients funds. Business models that mean the more money you bring in then you can slap a % based fee against these and in turn, bring in greater revenue. In our view, this is a lazy approach to providing comprehensive financial planning advice.
Eat the Eggs and Not the Chook.
An analogy that I use with many clients when discussing retirement income strategies is around wanting to be able to eat the eggs ( yield ) or income) and to leave the Chook (capital) intact.
Been a tough old year.
An important component of a great wealth management plan especially for young business owners and professionals is to ensure that they have suitable personal protection plans in place.
What's going to save your portfolio at the next crash.
I am seeing many posts and articles where “ financial experts” explain how they can protect your retirement capital when the inevitable downturn in asset prices happens. ( We don't call it a crash.)
Time to Write some cheques.
The start of June brings cooler temps and the smell of backyard fires and an extra 2 minutes under the Doona as you psyche up to face the day. June 30 is an important date in the financial year as it is the last day in which to complete your tax planning tasks.
Stay the course.
So aside that the Jack Bogle (Vanguard Founder) book that I am currently reading is titled “Stay the Course,” I thought it would be a good time to share the Vanguard Index Chart.