Our advisers and support team are here to help you, every step of the way.
You Don't Need a Long Neck - To Fund Retirement.
There are many lifestyle and financial changes that occur at retirement. Whilst you will have increased leisure time, you will no longer be earning an income from work activities.
Another way to think about Retirement.
Check out this video where Steve Harvey explains how he is not going to leave everything to his kids when he passes away but, rather, consume much of the assets that he and his wife have built.
Eat the Eggs and Not the Chook.
An analogy that I use with many clients when discussing retirement income strategies is around wanting to be able to eat the eggs ( yield ) or income) and to leave the Chook (capital) intact.
How much do you need for Retirement?
Hear how James explains what is considered a comfortable amount for retirement and how a combination of capital and Centrelink can produce great results.
Feel free to leave a message for a question for us to answer. Let's make retirement more confident and certain.
Does this sound familiar?
I came across this video which while it is based on the U.S. market, still relates to our own markets in Australia.
I wanted to showcase this because even after the Hayne Royal Commission, there will still be financial services providers who will continue to gouge fees from your retirement capital.
Welcome to your Retirement.
I was reading Ben Carlson's - A Wealth Of Common Sense blog last week and he has highlighted 50 ways that the world is better than it used to be. Out of all the points that he stated, this was the point that stuck out most for me.
Being Frank about it.
SMSFs will potentially be affected by the Federal Opposition’s recently announced intentions to remove the ability for excess imputation credits to be refunded (albeit with clarification that pensioners and some self managed super funds (SMSF) may be exempt from this change).
A few interesting facts about retirement
Given the financial demands of everyday life, planning your retirement may be a relatively low priority. You may also think that you have plenty of time to plan. But before you put off planning for your retirement any longer, here are some key facts you should consider.
What 15 years of toil looks like.
Check out how our firm has worked with a business client for over 15 years and implemented strategies to eliminate CGT and to provide a possible tax free income stream for this clients family. Excited? You bet I am.
Baby Boomers need to get their financial house in order
New research by super fund REST has found younger people are concerned about their financial future and worried they will have to support their parents in retirement.
A few interesting facts about retirement
Given the financial demands of everyday life, planning your retirement may be a relatively low priority. You may also think that you have plenty of time to plan.
Retiring from small business
Selling a small business can be a challenging, complicated and uncertain time. So too can retiring. Combine the two and you have a situation where early planning and advice is critical.
Don’t be caught out by new account based pension rules
Do you receive an income support payment from Centrelink? Then you need to know about changes that start from 1 January 2015 that have the potential to reduce your income support payments in the future.
Let’s take a look at what the changes are and who is affected.